Reliable and affordable transportation is key to economic, social, physical, and emotional health. Without having this basic need met, low-income and ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) workers struggle each day to reach the job or training program that could bring them and their family economic security. By donating to Way to Go, you are investing in the future success of a low-income worker striving for financial independence and self-sufficiency. Moreover, your gift helps to ensure the entire family unit can access and engage in the greater community in which they live. Such access is critical for this population to move forward with their lives and break the cycle of poverty.
Please consider investing in a local family working hard to improve their lives with a gift that will help them to move forward!

Donate via Click & Pledge, a secure online giving platform

Donate via Venmo

Check made payable to “Way to Go” and either mailed or delivered to our office